'A noisy, polluting, eyesore': Neighbours make views clear on Dudley Council tip plan
Plans to demolish buildings to build a new office block and car parks on a council waste depot have been criticised by dozens of residents.

They say it will increase traffic, noise and pollution in the area.
The plans for Dudley Council’s Lister Road depot also include a gritter storage canopy, vehicle spray booth and vehicle storage unit.
Chiefs want to develop the depot, which houses its waste services staff, gritting trucks and pothole teams.
But the plans – which include expanding car parking on public open space – have been attacked by residents who have submitted letters of objection to the council planners.

One resident said: “I strongly object to these plans as we live right opposite to the planned entrance to the new car park – this would have a detrimental effect to our property with increased traffic and the noise it brings.
“I am also opposed to offices being built on the existing site – what an eyesore when opening my curtains every morning looking into office space.
“Surely there are plenty of offices in Dudley that would be more suitable?”
Another said: “A development of this size and scale would have a very damaging and negative effect in any built-up residential area.
“There is obviously no consideration being given to residents around this site to all the extra traffic, pollution, loss of green space, loss of privacy and property value that this development would bring.”

While another said it was vital that residents in Lister Road and the surrounding area did not lose any green space, adding: “The green space is very well and frequently used by the community in general, and by young people and children in particular.
"It is always heartening to see children playing sports on this area and receiving coaching in football and other sports on the green space.
“It is no good saying that the space can be reconfigured to provide two football pitches. The whole of the space is required.”
St Thomas’s ward Councillor Shaukat Ali has also objected to the plans, and added: “ The accumulative impact of this on the residents who live in the area appears to have been ignored. Residents feel that over time the site has seen significant development.
"It’s about time their concerns are listened to and their needs are put first.
“The planning application gives the impression that the proposed development is confined within the existing depot boundaries.
"However, this is not the case and the development extends into open space green field which is well used for sports by local people.
“As the site will be operational during unsociable hours it will have significant impact on local people in terms of disruption, noise, pollution, increased traffic and loss of play facility.”
A design and access statement submitted with the application states: “The Lister Road Depot is a large, multi-purpose operational Dudley MBC facility that was built circa 1938.
"The site has been in permanent use throughout this time and has seen periods of growth and expansion throughout its operational life.
“The Lister Road Depot has significant underlying major investment needs, which are estimated to be in excess of £900,000.
"The site has serious structural defects, extensive asbestos-related issues and dilapidated ‘temporary’ buildings.
"A number of buildings are now uneconomical to repair and require demolition and replacement.
“Vehicle storage, parking and traffic management also requires improvement. General office and welfare facilities are dilapidated and require refurbishment to current minimum standards.”