Cock-a-doodle-don't! Owner warned as neighbours complain over crowing cockerel
This crowing cockerel has become public enemy number one in a Black Country street - and landed its owner in hot water with a council.

Great-grandfather Steve Jones has been threatened with a fine of up to £5,000 if he does not take action over his booming bird, which fed-up neighbours say is driving them mad.
Dudley Council has written to Mr Jones warning him he must put a stop to the racket after receiving several complaints over the feathered fiend.
Residents in Marley Road, Kingswinford, have reached their wit's end and say the bird has been crowing all hours of the day.
However, Mr Jones, aged 61, disputes claims his pet is making too much noise.
The cockerel, named Bobby Moore by the West Ham supporter, is kept in a coop in the garden, along with six hens.
WATCH: Bobby Moore the cockerel has everyone in a flap
The council has launched an investigation and said it will visit the street to monitor noise levels.
A letter sent under the heading 'antisocial behaviour' stated the owners of cockerels must ensure they do not cause a nuisance to other residents and advised him to consider keeping it indoors at night.
Mr Jones said: "He makes a muffled noise but you can't really hear it. He isn't any trouble.
"I could understand if he was doing it 24/7, then I would do something about it.
"You don't hear him in the night. I put a blanket over him because when they see the light in the morning that's when they start crowing.
"I spoke to one neighbour who said it gets on his nerves now and again but it's a natural thing for a cockerel to crow."
If the cockerel is found to be causing a nuisance, he has been warned he could be served with a notice to put a stop to the noise. If he does not comply he could face a large fine.
But Mr Jones said he would fight any action taken against him.
"The council can do what they want, I haven't done anything wrong. I think I have got a good case."