Express & Star

Parents in bid for traffic measures near Sutton school

Parents of a Sutton primary are demanding action amid fears of speeding cars on roads surrounding their school.

Cllrs David Pears and Maureen Cornish receive the petition from parents

Jacqueline Marsh says parents fear an accident waiting to happen near St Josephs R C Primary School.

Now more than 230 parents have signed a petition calling for traffic measures.

“We are asking for measures to be put in place on Tamworth Road and Little Sutton Lane to slow the cars down,” Jacqueline said.

“At pick up and drop off times, it’s really busy with cars speeding. On long straight roads, motorists bomb up and down.

“There was a lollipop man on Tamworth Road at one stage but he retired and has not been replaced. So there’s nothing or no one there to make it safe for the children.

"There are signs such as ’20 is plenty’ but no one takes any notice. We want something done before a tragedy happens because it would be too late then.”

Parents handed a petition to councillors Maureen Cornish (Four Oaks) and David Pears (Trinity) last week. Councillor Pears said: “We need it to be safe for children crossing those roads and we have got to come up with some options to achieve that goal and that’s what we will look for from the petition going in.

“We have handed the petition into Birmingham City Council with the intention of action or a review to be taken by the Transport and Highways Department.”

“We will present it to the Town Council as well because we feel it needs a joined up approach from Highways officers and the two councils, as well as the school.

“We have a few things to tackle and it’s what we can do to best make it safer for everyone.”

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