Irish landlady and regulars celebrate 10 years of the Monday Club and 26,000 free sandwiches
An Irish landlady and her regulars celebrated ten years of free sandwiches on Monday this week.

Linda Fitzgerald started the tradition at The Witton Arms a decade ago and it continued when she left for pastures new.
However, after her return and despite the pub being taken over by new owners the Monday Club continued.
Before the start of the season the pub was bought and refurbished by new Hindu owners who kept Linda on as manager and several of the staff.
Linda said: "I know what regulars like, so the Monday was a must to keep everyone happy, the new owners decided to stick with the tradition despite being unaware of it when they bought the pub."
One average the pub gives away 50 sandwiches on a Monday afternoon, which means over 10 years, which is 520 weeks, 26,000 sarnies have been given away.
Linda, originally from County Galway, added: "We now have a beautiful pub inside and out, with all the mod cons for Villa matchday including so many TVs and big screens we could show every match being played across the world. In fact we are now showing the Rugby World Cup, but are looking forward to the Villa returning."
"However, although it looks nice, and the matchday fans are flocking here for every game, we always have to think of the regulars who drink here when there is not a Villa game.
"Its always the small things which people remember and love about their pub."
Corned beef and egg mayonnaise are favourites of many of them who enjoy them with their favourite tipple, which for most is Guinness.
A trio of regulars, known as The Three Amigos, Matty Donovan, Johnny Lysaght and Tony Boyle, all started drinking in the pub in 1972.
Tony said: "We've had some good years in this pub, we've been coming here since 1972 and the place has never looked better."
Johnny said: "Its great to have Linda still here, she started a great tradition with her Monday Club."
The Witton Arms, Witton Road, has bucked the trend of pubs across the region who have closed their doors due to the cost of living crisis.
However, new owners, from Solihull and the brewery Star Pubs and Bars invested almost £1,000,000 to revamp the premises, which was temporarily called The Cap and Gown in the 1990s.
To the delight of the regulars, live Irish music, amongst other genres, is back and proving popular.
On Sunday, September 17, Irish and Country singer Peter Mylett will strumming his guitar whilst singing the classics from 6pm to 9pm.
Other live acts booked include reggae performer James Jaffa on Saturday, September 16, an Abba tribute on Friday, October 6 and the Yam Yam Elvis on Wednesday, October 13.