Commonwealth Games opening ceremony: Red Arrows spotted across the West Midlands
People across the West Midlands were excited to catch a glimpse of the Red Arrows tonight as they flew across the region as part of the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony.

The iconic Red Arrows made an appearance above the Alexander Stadium but only after flying over parts of Staffordshire and Birmingham.
After leaving their Lincolnshire airbase at RAF Scampton, they headed towards the Birmingham 2022 athletics stadium where a crowd of 30,000 watched a lively opening ceremony.

People across the region managed to catch a glimpse of the aircraft and it seems they had their phones at the ready.
Videos were being posted on social media ten to the dozen, presumably because it's such a rare experience to see these awesome planes in action.
Birmingham and the surrounding area appears to have been instilled with a renewed sense of pride in the build up to the Commonwealth Games. The presence of the Red Arrows only added to this feeling.
After flying above the ceremony, the Red Arrows were planning to turn south east, fly across Birmingham towards the NEC, at which point they were meant to head north east and return to base.