Express & Star

Prison for two young men who brought gun violence to residential street

Two men have been jailed after one of them fired a gun through a living room window in retaliation for a fight at a nightclub.

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Ryan Gibson and Chakiah Lambert were jailed after the attack in Birmingham, which took place in April 2020. Photo: West Midlands Police

Ryan Gibson and Chakiah Lambert admitted to possessing a firearm with intent to cause fear and were jailed at Birmingham Crown Court, with Gibson, of West Bromwich, sentenced to five years and Lambert, of Bibsworth Avenue in Birmingham, five-and-a-half years.

The 21-year-old Gibson had fired twice through the living room window of the house in Abbey Street North in Hockley, Birmingham, on the afternoon of April 7, 2020.

He'd driven there in a grey BMW with 23-year-old Lambert at around 4.10pm and after Gibson had fired those shots, it was Lambert who drove him away.

No one was seriously injured, although a woman who was in the house at the time suffered cuts from broken glass.

Forensic experts found two spent bullets at the scene, one in the window and the other on the living room floor.

Using CCTV footage retrieved from the area, officers traced the car to an address in West Bromwich, where they later arrested Gibson.

Forensic testing on gloves seized at the property showed they contained traces of gunshot residue and a confirmed DNA match with Gibson, while a seized mobile phone contained messages indicating that the shooting was in retaliation for a fight Gibson had been in at a nightclub a month earlier.

The gun has yet to be traced.

DC Ed Ketterer, of Force CID, said: "Gibson and Lambert brought gun violence to a residential street as retribution for a fight at a club.

"Gibson may have fired the shots, but Lambert also played his part in allowing that to happen, and for this both will now spending time behind bars."