Express & Star

Jailed: Woman bit female police officer during arrest

A violent woman has been jailed for biting a police officer – after initially trying to avoid arrest by hiding her true identity.

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Lisa Harbun

Lisa Harbun became abusive and aggressive towards officers from West Midlands Police, who attempted to detain her on suspicion of burglary.

She originally claimed to be someone else when officers went to her flat in Ledbury Close, in Ladywood, Birmingham, on October 30 last year.

However, when asked to provide identification the 26-year-old's lie was exposed – and she turned abusive and violent.

An officer was thrown across the room and then bitten on her thigh, suffering bruising, as a total of five officers were needed to bring Harbun under control.

Harbun was charged with assaulting an emergency worker but failed to attend an initial court hearing on March 4. It led to a warrant being issued and her being arrested again – although this time without violence.

She pleaded guilty to her attack on the officer at Birmingham Crown Court on March 8, and was jailed for seven months.

Detective Sergeant James Birtles, from force CID, said: "Harbun's appalling behaviour has quite rightly seen her put behind bars.

"She lied, became aggressive and then bit another human being which is frankly deplorable. To compound this she showed further disrespect by failing to appear at court when she was first summonsed.

"There can never, ever be an excuse for assaulting a police officer. Our staff are routinely on the frontline doing all they can to keep people safe and bring criminals to justice.

"The fact this happened during the ongoing public health crisis when there is even greater risk to officers just reinforces how distasteful Harbun's actions were."

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