Plan for £29 million A457 development
Parts of the busy A457 Dudley Road could become a dual carriageway as part of a £29 million “improvement scheme” due to be considered.
The Dudley Road Improvement Scheme would also see 2.5km of shared footway and cycleway added to the road in the Summerfield area of Birmingham.
The business case for the scheme is to be put before the Birmingham City Council’s cabinet on April 21, the authority's first online meeting since the coronavirus lockdown in March.
A report by Philip Edwards, the council’s assistant director for Transport and Connectivity, states the scheme is intended to enable access to a planned 3,000 new homes as part of the Greater Icknield Masterplan.
The scheme is also intended to improve efficiency and reduce congestion along the stretch and improve bus journey times by altering signal-controlled junctions.
Friends of the Earth and several residents criticised the scheme for being “car centric” following a public consultation, but the report notes there was 62 per cent full or partial support among respondents.
The road currently accommodates 30,000 vehicles per day and around 2,000 vehicles during the peak hour, according to the business case submitted with the report.
The proposed changes cover the stretch of Dudley Road from the Spring Hill junction to the Winson Green Road junction.
The report states an MOT garage, bookmakers shop, off-licence, vacant shop and police station along the road would be demolished as part of the planned scheme.
A compulsory purchase order for private land affected by the scheme was made in November, and a public inquiry into this will be held on May 12 and 13.
The scheme includes a plan to widen the carriageway on Lee Bridge over Railway line and Birmingham Canal.
The report notes the council will need approval from Network Rail and the Canal and River Trust in order to do this.
The business case for the scheme states “the majority” of works will be completed before the Commonwealth Games in the summer of 2022.
But due to the timing of the relocation of Birmingham City Hospital, located on Dudley Road, to the new Midland Metropolitan Hospital in Smethwick, some work will only be completed by December 2022.
The report states it is hoped £22 million of the funding would come from the Department for Transport’s Local Growth Fund while the council would pay the remaining £7 million through borrowing.
In the report, Mr Edwards states: “The key benefits of this project are to support and protect the city’s growth objectives within the Greater Icknield area, in terms of enabling access to key development sites which will bring forward approximately 3,000 new homes along with other local facilities and employment opportunities.
“The scheme also reduces traffic congestion and provides improvements for public transport, pedestrians and cyclists.”
A comment from Friends of the Earth as part of the public consultation said: “I cannot see how a scheme to widen a road with the explicit aim of increasing the vehicle flow into the city centre can possibly fit in with reducing our carbon emissions to zero in just under 11 years.
“If anything, the plans should be to provide bus lanes in order to transfer people away from their cars to buses.”
The report and business case will be put before the council cabinet at an online meeting on April 21, which can be streamed via the council’s website.