Express & Star

Football pitch left with wonky lines as rookie painter struggles to stay straight

A football pitch was left with wonky lines after a workman's first attempt at painting a field.

Contractors repaint a wonky football pitch in Solihull

Officials in Solihull were left having to correct the novice contractor’s wonky lines admitting: “Everyone has to start somewhere”.

The Sunday League pitch in Chemsley Wood left locals in stitches when pictures emerged on social media.

Christian Bell joked on Facebook: “They should have gone to Specsavers”. Another wrote: “Been on the p*** I think!”

Contractors repaint a wonky football pitch in Solihull. Photo: SnapperSK
Contractors repaint a wonky football pitch in Solihull. Photo: SnapperSK
Contractors repaint a wonky football pitch in Solihull. Photo: SnapperSK

After the mistake, contractor Amey was enlisted to straighten out the issue.

Workers were seen scrubbing the wonky lines out with a brush and repainting them.

One said: “It was the poor lad’s first time. I always say ‘if you’re not sure, then just ask’ - but he carried on nonetheless.

“They’ve got me back to straighten it out. In half an hour we’ll have it looking like Wembley.”

Contractors repaint a wonky football pitch in Solihull. Photo: SnapperSK
Contractors repaint a wonky football pitch in Solihull. Photo: SnapperSK

Solihull Council apologised for the error in good humour.

Communications officer Cassie Simpson said: “This was the result of someone who had just been trained to use the equipment having their first go. It turns out it’s not as easy as you might think.

“Their colleague left them to do half of the pitch while they did the other, then quickly realised it wasn’t their forte.

“Everyone has to start somewhere.

“Some of the lines were removed yesterday and are being redrawn this morning by our experienced contractors.”