City Hospital Birmingham opens walk-in Covid vaccine hub
A walk-in vaccination centre has opened at Birmingham’s City Hospital for people aged 18 and over.

The hub, based at Sheldon Block, opened on June 21 and will see patients between 8am and 6pm, seven days a week, who are eligible for their first jab.
As well as seeing walk-ins, people can also book an appointment by going to the national booking website.
The centre is being run by Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust and will be administering the Pfizer vaccine to the under 40s and AstraZeneca to those over 40.
Mel Roberts, acting chief nurse, said: “It’s important in our response to Covid-19 to protect our population and get as many people vaccinated as possible.
“We want to see at least 85 per cent of the population vaccinated. We want to get people back to a state of normality and the vaccination programme will help us do that.”
The hub is situated behind the Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre on the City Hospital site.
To book a slot at the centre, go to