Express & Star

Steady flow of people as new Wolverhampton test centre opens

A steady stream of people have made use of the newest rapid test centre in Wolverhampton.

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Father Craig Fullard has helped organise the centre and is helping visitors as they arrive

The new centre at St Joseph's Church in Moseley Village is the third rapid test centre in the city, using lateral flow test technology to provide results in under an hour.

People from all over the city came to the centre, which opened on Friday, January 8 at 2pm, to get tested and see if they had the virus, despite showing no symptoms.

Father Craig Fullard, parish priest of the St Newman Cluster of churches, has been working with Wolverhampton Council to set up the site and said the first day had gone incredibly well.

He said: "We've had people coming in throughout the day and while there has been a queue, it has been constantly moving all afternoon since we opened.

"People have been very understanding and very thankful that the centre is here and we've got a great team of volunteers who will be here for the next six weeks."

Ian Dawes has a test at the church

There will be between 10 and 12 volunteers working at the centre, with 25 in total, from 2pm to 6pm on Monday to Friday each week.

The new centre joins the two existing rapid test facilities, at Wolverhampton Council’s Civic Centre and the Jamia Masjid Bilal on Newhampton Road West.

Father Fullard said he would encourage people to come down and get tested for peace of mind and to protect those around them.

A rapid test centre is now up and running at St Joseph's Church in Wolverhampton

He said: "Please come down as if you are asymptomatic and you've got it, you could help to save lives by being taken out of the general circulation for the public.

"It's all about saving lives, it's all about stopping the spread of the virus and it's all about that national effort as we are all in it together."

For full details of Covid-19 testing services in Wolverhampton, go to