Legion moves to clear up Bridgnorth Remembrance Day event confusion
Organisers of a Remembrance Service are bidding to clear up confusion over what will be happening at this year’s ceremony.

The event, in Bridgnorth, will not be staged as normal in the town due to the coronavirus pandemic, so the public is being asked by the Royal British Legion to mark the occasion at home with a two minutes’ silence.
John Whitty, chairman of the legion’s Bridgnorth branch, said the public had been confused over incorrect information regarding the restrictions.
“I wish to inform the Bridgnorth public of the situation for this year’s service,” he said. “The annual Remembrance Sunday started in 1919 to remember all those killed in the Great War.
“The service has continued for 100 years, even through the darkest years of the Second World War.
“Unfortunately, Royal British Legion branches are not permitted to organise the annual Remembrance Sunday and November 11 services, including parades this year, due to the current Government regulations.
“The service at the Cenotaph in London is officially a closed private ceremony. The public is being asked to mark the occasion at home with two minutes silence at 11am on Sunday November 8.
“Bridgnorth will hold a similar private ceremony of the maximum six personnel permitted at the war memorial in the castle grounds adhering to the current protocol and regulations. The Last Post and Reville ceremony, wreath laying, prayers by the Rev Simon Cawdell and a speech by the RBL will be conducted.
“This event will remember all those that have made the ultimate sacrifice from 1914 to the present day. We also remember the non-combatants, the women and children, who lost their lives across all UK towns and cities.” After the service has been concluded personal wreaths will be laid at the war memorial.
Diana Griffiths has enlisted the Girl Guides and Scouts to paint large stones with Remembrance symbols and lay a route around the war memorial.
The Women’s Institute will also align the railings with poppies, surrounding the war memorial and castle railings as in previous years.