Express & Star

Some maternity rules eased at Russells Hall Hospital but partners still not allowed into scans

Changes to visiting for birth partners at Russells Hall Hospital will come into effect on Thursday.

Last updated

Some restrictions on who is able to attend the maternity department are being eased but partners are still unable to attend scans and antenatal clinics.

Mothers have been forced to attend scans on their own since coronavirus restrictions led to maternity departments introducing strict rules on who is allowed inside.

One birth partner may now attend the triage department and be by their partner's side while they are being induced if it is between 9am and 10pm.

However partners may be asked to wait outside the unit until the midwife or doctor is ready to see them if the waiting room becomes busy or crowded. This will allow social distancing in the unit for women, The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust said.

For women having elective caesarean sections, birth partners can now be present from when the woman arrives at hospital, up until she is taken to the postnatal ward area after she has had her baby.

They can then visit on the ward as per ward visiting times. This varies depending on which bed the woman is in and the midwife will provide this information.

There is no change during labour, with one birthing partner allowed to attend.

Covid-19 coverage:

All visitors to the maternity unit will be asked to have their temperature taken on admission; contact details are recorded and visitors requested to wear a mask for the duration of their visit.

Birth partners should remain within their rooms and avoid leaving the department unless they are returning home. They are asked to maintain good hand hygiene while visiting and use the hand gel dispensers frequently.

It follows risk assessments of the maternity unit and new guidance from NHS England.

Birth partners should not attend the unit if they have symptoms of Covid-19, or have received a positive result for Covid-19 testing within 10 days of attendance at the maternity unit.

Anyone that has been advised to self-isolate following contact with a confirmed Covid-19 case must also not attend the unit.

A spokesman for The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust said they were currently reviewing the capacity of the scan department and antenatal clinic and would provide an update to whether partners were able to attend these appointments over the coming days.

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