Express & Star

Whistle-blowing hotline launched to curb coronavirus surge

A whistle-blowing hotline has been launched in Birmingham after it was placed on a Government cornavirus watchlist amid a surge of cases.

The measure has been introduced in Birmingham. Photo: Jacob King/PA Wire

Chiefs at Birmingham City Council have set up an anonymous online form and phone number to report businesses flouting the rules.

It is hoped the measures will help to prevent a local lockdown in the area – with the city already being placed as an Area of Enhanced Support.

Council leader Ian Ward said: "Whilst we recognise the importance of protecting the economy, the health and wellbeing of everyone in Birmingham remains our highest priority.

"The figures released last week have shown there is a very real threat of lockdown being imposed on Birmingham if we do not curb the numbers and take action now.

"We know businesses are desperate to get back on track, but they are still bound by Government guidelines, which for hospitality industries, means not accepting bookings of more than two households or support bubbles. We appreciate that they may not be keen to turn custom away, but if they don’t, they could find the decision to trade is taken out of their hands with our new powers to intervene.

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"It is also not fair that those who follow the guidance should lose out to those who don’t, which is why we have launched the whistle-blowing hotline so that those who flout the rules do not continue to profit from it."

The council is also working with West Midlands Police to use emergency regulatory powers to crack down on businesses failing to abide by the rules.

Measures include reducing the numbers of people allowed in the businesses – or ultimately shut them down.

Offending businesses could also be issued with written warning and if they continue to flout the regulations, they may be served with a direction notice of closure.

Birmingham Commander, Chief Superintendent Steve Graham, said: "We are supporting Birmingham City Council’s efforts to help curb the rise in cases in the city. Along with local authority colleagues, we will be visiting licensed premises that are reportedly failing to comply with the measures to be Covid-secure.

"We continue to work with partners across the city to help keep everyone as safe as possible as the pandemic continues to be amongst us."

To report a business which is putting staff and/or customers at risk, visit or call 0121 3031116

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