Further rave arrests 'likely' in Staffordshire
Police chiefs say they will continue to crackdown on illegal raves after 18 arrests were made in Staffordshire in the last month.

Planned gatherings at Chasewater and near Rugeley were both prevented, with 13 and three arrests made respectively. Around 1,000 people attended a rave near Lichfield on June 13 where officers were spat at.
Chief Superintendent Carl Ratcliffe, head of contact and response at Staffordshire Police, said officers were continuing to gather intelligence to prevent illegal raves and that more arrests likely.
He appealed for people to share any information about planned gatherings.
Young people have been warned the easing of lockdown measures, including the reopening of pubs last weekend, does not make it acceptable to hold raves.
Ch Supt Ratcliffe said: “I’m urging anyone who is considering attending an illegal rave to stop and think about the consequences.
“I understand that lockdown is being eased but these unlawful gatherings cannot take place. We are aware that there are possible further illegal raves being organised in Staffordshire. We have a continuing, dedicated policing operation in place, with a much higher police presence in potential hot spot areas.”
Ch Supt Ratcliffe said coronavirus continued to be a major risk and urged people not to attend the events as they are illegal and unsafe.
“We will intervene in incidents and seek to prosecute anyone who has taken part in any illegal activity – whether that be drug supply or public disorder and any violence.
“I would also like to send a really clear message to organisers of illegal raves – we will deal with you robustly and you will be arrested.
“Please seriously consider the risks and ask yourself if it’s worth it.
“We want to warn young people of the significant risks posed by such events and keep our communities safe. To those thinking about attending such events - you could face enforcement action and receive a criminal record. Do not go to illegal raves and risk your lives.
“I’m also calling on the public to help us – if you have any intelligence or hear about an event taking place, please get in touch with us so we can prevent it and ultimately save lives. The key to stopping these events is early intelligence.”
Anyone with information is asked to contact Staffordshire Police via Facebook or Twitter or by calling 101.