Express & Star

Head praises firm for supporting Walsall school through Covid-19

A Walsall school head has praised support services group Interserve for delivering excellent cleaning and facilities management services throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Carertaker Jason Cope and engineer Neil Crewe

The company provides hard and soft facilities management, maintenance and catering services to more than 150 schools across the country. Services range from cleaning through to catering, site pre-planned maintenance and site compliance to make sure the ventilation, water, electrics and gas systems are all properly maintained.

Siobhan Bowen, head of St Thomas More Catholic Secondary School, has written to Interserve to thank the company for the FM work done to support her school.

The company employs 20 people at the school. Services delivered include caretakers, maintenance, cleaning and waste disposal. To support the school during Covid-19, Interserve has also designed and installed one-way systems, hand sanitisers and a range of systems to help children, staff and visitors keep safe.

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Mrs Bowen said: “I wanted to publicly acknowledge the outstanding support, guidance and encouragement both I and my colleagues have received from all the team at school both in the run up to lockdown, during it and especially so now that we are hopefully on the way out of it.

“Nothing has been too much trouble. At every point the team has given of their time, wisdom and expertise to advise us as needs be and without question to the demands on their own time.

“I want to thank the team for their kindness and concern over recent weeks.”

The school has been open for the children of key workers and for those from vulnerable backgrounds. Now that schools are gradually opening to increased numbers, colleagues have been working hard to interpret the UK Government guidance and advise the schools and local authorities before implementing safe responses.

Facilities administrator Sharon Gibson checks the new layout

Mark Walker, Interserve’s account manager, said: “It is incredibly important during these challenging times that we do everything we can to ensure young children feel secure.

“We have been carrying out more deep cleans, recleaning touch points on a very regular basis and have kept on top of statutory compliance as well.

“Many of those attending St Thomas More are from primary schools that have closed during Covid-19. We have worked hard to make them feel welcome and I am incredibly proud of my team that our efforts have been recognised by Mrs Bowen.”

Interserve, which has had the contract since 2003, has ensured social distancing measures have been applied throughout the buildings in use. Additional bins and sanitisers have also been installed.

Mr Walker added: “Colleagues have been given access to the school’s gym as well when it’s closed to children.

“Exercise during the pandemic isn’t easy for everyone, and we are doing everything we can to support our colleagues’ health and wellbeing.”