Reservists at RAF Cosford trained up for coronavirus testing

Reservists from RAF Cosford have been trained up to help test people for coronavirus.

Personnel from 605 have been undergoing training for setting up Covid-19 test sites.

Fourteen members of 605 squadron, based at the airbase near Wolverhampton, have learnt how to set up a mobile testing unit and safely test members of the public for Covid-19.

This is a far cry from their usual roles which is to recruit, train and deploy RAF drivers, suppliers, chefs and police.

Commanding officer Jo Lincoln said: "I am so proud of our reservists.

"Running a mobile testing unit safely requires discipline, thoughtfulness, and an ability to reassure and relate to the people who are being tested. I know they will do a great job."

Although the squadron is based at RAF Cosford, the training is actually taking place about 11 miles away at Venning Barracks, Donnington, which is north of Telford, Shropshire.

They are training alongside the British Army's 11th Signal Brigade.

Caroline Krolikowski, leader of 605 squadron, said: "This is a unique opportunity for reservist personnel.

"They have demonstrated an amazing willingness to volunteer and assist keyworkers with this essential task."

For squadron member Sally Gregory, who is training to be a logistics supplier, this will be her first operation with the RAF.

She joined the squadron last year and also works at Damper Technology Ltd, which is based in the East Midlands.

Annette Hancock, marketing and communications manager at the firm, said: "We are immensely proud of Sally’s dedication and professionalism both at DTL and as a reservist.

"We wish her, and the squadron, the very best of luck with their mobilisation."