Communities show support during final Clap For Carers
People across the country marked the final weekly Clap for Carers.

During the past 10 weeks, people have shown their support for those working on the frontlines during Covid-19 by clapping, singing, banging pots and pans and lighting up buildings each Thursday at 8pm.
Emergency services have also been joining in the weekly events, with ambulances, fire engines and police cars lighting up and sounding their sirens to mark the occasion.
Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service pulled out all the stops for the final event.
Crews created their own rainbow display from an array of colourful items and also a Staffordshire knot, before taking an aerial picture of their display.
The service tweeted the image, it said: "We believe tonight may be the last #ClapForCarers so let’s make it a good one!
"Over the last 10 weeks we’ve seen some incredible shows of support for NHS colleagues and key workers up and down the country and it’s really brought a new sense of community!"
The Clap For Carers campaign originally began as a one-off to support NHS staff on March 26 - three days after the UK went into lockdown.
However, after proving very popular, it was expanded to cover all key workers and has continued weekly.
Founder Annemarie Plas has said the 10th week of clapping would be a good time for it to end and for it to instead become an annual event.