Duncan Edwards Foundation in plea for donations amid coronavirus appeal
A charity which has been supporting vulnerable people during coronavirus is appealing for donations.

The Duncan Edwards Foundation, which usually raises funds to buy sports equipment and training for young people from less advantaged backgrounds, has been helping people across the Black Country during the pandemic.
Rose Cook Monk, 50, founder of the foundation, said: "As sport has been cancelled for the foreseeable future, we wanted to do something to help people who are struggling.
"Alongside Dudley CVS we have been delivering food and medicine to people who can't get out of their homes due to being vulnerable or in isolation.
"We noticed that there are a lot of key workers who still needed to be provided with PPE so we expanded our services.
"Last week we donated around 1,000 items of PPE. We have been donating as much as we can but we are running out."
Volunteers have been delivering visors, masks and gloves to frontline workers in the NHS and care homes and are now seeking additional PPE so that they can continue this.
The PPE has also been given to vulnerable people who are fearful of attending hospitals for routine appointments to encourage them to continue looking after their own health despite coronavirus fears.
As well as the protective gear, they are also asking for people to donate basic food items for food banks and toiletries to go into the care packs which have been distributed amongst frontline staff.
In particular, they are seeking hand cream, face cream, shower gel and lip balm.
Rose added: "We have had some brilliant reviews from people and the donations and support we have already received have been great.
"We will keep on doing this as long as lockdown continues to help those in need."
Anyone who wishes to make a donation to the foundation's appeal should contact rose on 07701092994 or rose@duncanedwardsfoundation.co.uk