Express & Star

Wolverhampton youngster raising money to help families affected by coronavirus

A young girl from Wolverhampton is raising funds to support children whose parents are struggling due to coronavirus.

Faith Hill, 5 from Wednesfield has walked 100 laps of Wards Bridge field and raised more than £1,300 for charity

Faith Hill, aged five from Wednesfield, is hoping to raise £1,500 to provide food and clothes for other children.

She was inspired by 100-year-old fundraiser Captain Tom Moore and has completed 100 laps of a field near her home along with her dogs Charlie and Reggie.

Faith is from a family of key workers, her mum Gemma-Louise, 33, and dad Nigel, 53, both work for the ambulance service both her nans are carers, so the youngster is fully aware of the pandemic.

Gemma-Louise said: "She wanted to do her bit and raise money for a good cause.

"I asked her if she would like to raise money to support children affected by loss of income due to the coronavirus and she said it would be nice to do that.

Faith Hill, 5 from Wednesfield has walked 100 laps of Wards Bridge field and raised more than £1,300 for charity

"She was also worried about some of her friends at school not getting the right meals as some of them rely on their hot school meal for good nutrition."

So far Faith has raised more than £1,300 on her JustGiving page, with local celebrities the Tipton twins Doris and Lil donating £100.

Gemma-Louise added: "The neighbours have been fantastic, clapping her when she has been out doing her laps, the support has been really good.

"I am extremely proud of her and what she has done, it is amazing that she is just five and always wants to do things to help others.

"Faith wants to say a huge thank you to everyone as well and wants them all to stay safe."

The family are still looking for a charity to donate the funds to and have asked any causes to contact them through their JustGiving page.