Walsall caterer feeding NHS staff from lockdown
A Walsall caterer has been using his time in lockdown to supply NHS staff with meals.

Neil Snook, aged 53, usually works as a mobile caterer in Walsall town centre as well as a host with YMCA where he supports young people who would be at a risk of homelessness by allowing them to stay at his home.
YMCA placed Jake Hobbs, a student at Walsall College aged 22, with Neil in March after he experienced family breakdown and needed to move home.
Since lockdown Neil and Jake have been voluntarily supplying up to 70 meals twice a week for NHS staff at Walsall Manor, Russells Hall and New Cross.
Jake said: "I wanted to give something back to the community and as a former patient at Walsall Manor hospital, it was a great way to say thank you for what they did for me."