Inspirational Jamie's challenges helping raise money for NHS
A young man from Wolverhampton has been cheering up his friends online while raising funds for the NHS.

Jamie Hartley, aged 21, who has a genetic disorder called Jacobsen Syndrome, has been missing his peers at Dudley College.
During lockdown he has created a Facebook group called #ChallengeJamie2020 which has more than 100 people in it, to help put a smile on people's faces.
On his page, Jamie completes live daily challenges and has set up a JustGiving page for people who want to support him, with all proceeds going to the NHS Charities Together.
Tara Hartley, his mum, said: "Jamie does not understand the reason he has to stay in, and without the carers and college activities he needed new ways to keep busy and keep learning.
"He has helped around the house, made cakes, learnt new hand-eye coordination skills to help get him through lockdown."
So far he has raised £540 thanks to his supporters.
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Tara added: "He would love to raise even more to give back to the NHS who has supported his health needs throughout his life.
"We realise for some, this is a small thing from someone who is usually in need of support, but Jamie has been a beacon to people who have said they have kept going each day knowing Jamie will post his challenges."
To donate to Jamie's fundraising appeal visit his JustGiving page.