Express & Star

Walsall cemeteries to reopen for two hours daily in trial

Cemeteries across Walsall will reopen to visitors from 8am to 10am in a trial starting tomorrow.

Last updated

All cemeteries were closed over the Easter weekend, except for funerals and burials, after numerous reports of people flouting the coronavirus lockdown.

Walsall Council is now launching the pilot to enable people to visit the resting place of loved ones between 8am and 10am daily.

The pilot will run from tomorrow to April 30 and any continuation of the pilot will be informed by how people behave during this time.

Access to crematorium and cemeteries for funerals and cremations will continue to be via vehicular gates only and the limit to a maximum of 10 mourners remains in place.

Councillor Mike Bird, leader of Walsall Council said: “Since having to make the decision to close cemeteries I asked officers to work to identify a possible solution so those that routinely visit for legitimate purposes would be able to continue to do so.

"The closure was necessary given the completely inappropriate behaviour of many visitors to cemeteries at the time.

"I am pleased that the closure has only been for a short period of time, having identified this pilot to provide access again quite quickly.

"I must stress the continuation of the pilot is solely dependent on how people behaviour when visiting cemeteries as we have a duty to continue to do all we can to ensure government guidance regarding social distancing is adhered to prevent the spread of coronavirus as much as possible.

"I urge all visitors to cemeteries, or any open public spaces, to act responsibly, adhere to operational opening times and take all possible steps to maintain social distancing when out.

"Coronavirus is indiscriminate in how it spreads so we must all do all we can as individuals to behave in a way that stops the spread of this virus.”