Express & Star

Amanda Milling MP: This year Easter simply must be different

In a special message, Conservative Party Chair Amanda Milling, the MP for Cannock Chase, urges communities to work together to halt the spread of Covid-19.

Conservative Party Chair Amanda Milling

"This Easter weekend many of us would normally be looking forward to spending time with our friends and family, and children would be embracing the Easter school holidays.

But this year Easter will be very different. There won’t be the trips to see loved ones or the option to enjoy time in the beautiful countryside that the West Midlands has to offer.

I know that as the sun shines staying at home will be the last thing any of us wants to do, but it remains the most important thing all of us can do.

Over the past few weeks we’ve all had to adapt our lives as we work together to beat the coronavirus.

Local schools, shops, pubs, gyms, cafés and restaurants have closed to limit your risk of catching the virus.

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Life changing actions, but actions that will keep all of us here safe.

The only way we can beat coronavirus is to work together to keep each other safe.

The sooner we do that the sooner we can stop this virus in its tracks and life can start to return to normal.

This Easter I urge all of you across the West Midlands to continue to follow the Government advice to Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, and Save Lives.

The one thing that is absolutely clear is the coronavirus does not discriminate. Anyone can get it, and anyone can spread it.

By limiting your time outside your homes, you play your part in beating this invisible killer, protecting others and relieving pressure on the people working round the clock to fight this virus.


If too many people become seriously unwell at one time the NHS will be unable to handle it – putting lives at risk. Hospitals across the West Midlands will be dangerously close to capacity.

Over Easter if you’re tempted to go outside take a moment to think about our doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics and social care workers across our region who are working day and night to keep us all safe.

Beating coronavirus is going to be tough, we could not be in better hands, but it is on all Express & Star readers and every single one of us in the West Midlands to do our bit to tackle this pandemic.

It is only by each and every one of us following these rules – stay at home, protect our NHS and save lives – that we will beat coronavirus.

The outbreak of coronavirus has been life changing but it has been heart warming to see the many small acts of kindness that are making such a big difference to people’s lives at this time.

Across the West Midlands volunteers, community groups and local businesses have been going to huge efforts to help neighbours and strangers – keeping our sense of community thriving.

I pay tribute to all you who are going above and beyond to help – offering up your time and resources to help others. It has been truly brilliant to see all that you’ve been doing to overcome the challenges that the disease has created.

This Easter check in on your friends, family and neighbours. Something as small as a conversation can make the biggest difference to someone’s day, so do make sure you phone, email or video message your nearest and dearest as often as you can.

Our Government will continue to do whatever it takes to protect your jobs, your homes, your businesses and our economy whilst working to beat this virus by strengthening our NHS and frontline services.

This Easter play your part in protecting others by staying at home to protect our NHS and save lives."

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