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Council leader contacts Government over coronavirus

Birmingham’s council leader has said the Government’s “failure” to meet food delivery deadlines has made it impossible to plan support for the city’s most vulnerable.

Ian Ward (Labour) leader of Birmingham City Council. Copyright Birmingham City Council.

Councillor Ian Ward has written to local government secretary Robert Jenrick MP flagging “key issues that require urgent resolution” to allow the council to respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

These include the question of when the list of vulnerable Birmingham residents who are shielded at home will be available, and where food supplies for this group will be available.

He also asks for a guarantee social workers will be supplied with personal protective equipment (PPE) and made a priority for testing following NHS workers.

He adds the £38.7 million supplied to the council by the Government to deal with the emergency has already been spent “twice over”.

The letter states the council was promised food supplies which would be ready for distribution to vulnerable residents on March 28, and that this would be “the first of a number of waves of supplies”.

But these supplies were only delivered by the Army on March 31, and the council was told this would be the only time food would be delivered, the letter states.

Councillor Ward suggests the council could ask local branches of supermarkets for 10 per cent of their non-perishable food stock.

But the Government would need to speak to the management of supermarket chains to make this happen, he said in the letter.

The council is looking to provide a total of 4,000 food packages to food banks per month, which over three months would cost in the region of £750,000, the letter states.

Councillor Ward states in the letter: “Whilst the council welcomes the assistance received from the Government to date [across departments], there are certain key issues that require urgent resolution to enable us to protect and support some of the most vulnerable people in our city.”

In relation to the late food delivery, Councillor Ward wrote: “The failure to meet previously agreed deadlines for the delivery of food supplies, support in terms of the provision of food, makes it impossible for us to plan effectively, at a time when our resources are already stretched in dealing with the emergency.”

In relation to PPE, Councillor Ward wrote: “Whilst we recognise the importance of ensuring that NHS staff have access to protective equipment, the army of front-line staff in local government providing care and support to our most vulnerable must not be forgotten.

“There is a desperate need to provide not only the council’s own staff, but those working in the city’ care settings with basics such as gloves, aprons, masks and in certain instances eye protection.”

In relation to a Covid-19 testing centre for Birmingham, he wrote: “A Covid-19 testing centre will soon be operational in the city. We understand, however, that this will only have the capacity to test 150 people a day [so approximately 1,000 a week].

“This is woefully inadequate and needs to be significantly increased for it to have a meaningful impact given the thousands of staff that work for the NHS and other public services in the city.”

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