Six-point method to beat the January Blues and take on the new year by West Midlands life coach
A Wolverhampton life coach is offering six ways to beat the January blues which are said to affect millions of people at the start of the year.

And Michael Ryan, who has worked extensively in the public, private and charity sector across the West Midlands and Shropshire, knows a thing or two about how to manage people's expectations, moods, goals and general happiness at this or any time of the year.
The Tettenhall based 60-year-old has never been busier since setting up his business two years ago – so much so he says his website is a 'work in progress' which he needs to get around to finishing.
But bearing in mind he was at the forefront of developing working practices through the then developing digital age 20 years ago and has worked extensively in management with government agencies and blue chip clients Lloyd's of London and Holiday Inn, adaptable is a strong word in his vocabulary.
Michael firmly believes in the validity of the so-called January blues, when the shock of going back to work, often arriving and leaving in the dark, can have a big affect on people. Or the realisation that sometimes two weeks of relaxing and in some cases partying, certainly over indulging, is over. Often the next holiday seems a long time away and the pressure to either change something or achieve something just because the year has changed, is great.
His advice overall if you are to set targets such as weight loss, promotion or to make more money (three of the often quoted goals in January) is to be realistic, be kind to yourself and make sure they are achievable,with a reward at the end of them.
For example he himself took three years to give up smoking, without setting a deadline. and when he did rewarded himself with the money he would save by buying IT equipment for his business.