Two Black Country GP practices with thousands of patients rated inadequate, put in special measures
Two Black Country GP practices which care for a total of more than 6,000 patients have been rated 'inadequate' by health inspectors and placed in special measures.

The ratings for Bath Street Medical Centre in Dudley and Dr Mahbub’s Surgery in Walsall came to light in reports by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) which have been published today.
The watchdog inspected the services, both run by Dr Selim Mahbub, at Bath Street in Sedgley and Brace Street in Walsall respectively, in June after receiving concerning information about both practices.
The Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB), which commissions GP services across the region, has now arranged a caretaker provider to run services from both practices.
The CQC said both GP practices will be kept under close review and reinspected to check that sufficient improvements have been made.
If not, enforcement action could be taken and may result in the services being closed down.
As well as the rating for both practices falling from 'good' to 'inadequate' overall, they have also declined from 'good' to 'inadequate' for being safe, effective, responsive and well-led.
For offering a 'caring service', the rating dropped from 'good' to 'requires improvement'.