Grieving couple donate cuddle cot to hospital in memory of their baby son to mark second anniversary of his death
A grieving couple have donated a cuddle cot in their baby son’s memory to mark the second anniversary of his death and provide some comfort to families experiencing similar heartbreak.

Emma Hughes and Dwayne Webley’s son Jaziah Webley was stillborn at Wolverhampton's New Cross Hospital on August 22, 2021.
The couple were told that Jaziah had sadly died when attending maternity triage at the hospital.
Jaziah was then born via caesarean section as Emma had a condition called placenta praevia.
Thanks to cuddle cots, which keep a baby at a cool temperature, Emma and Dwayne were able to spend three days in hospital with Jaziah then take him home, which they will always be grateful for.
Jaziah was buried on September 8, 2021.

“It was of massive comfort to us because we didn’t know what was going to happen to him,” said Emma.
“Sometimes I’d wake up in the middle of the night and was relieved to see he was there, so I could still cuddle and kiss him.”
Emma, 35, and Dwayne, 37, who has his own transport business, live in Wolverhampton with their sons Ayrton, 14, Terelle, seven, and Isaiah, who arrived on January 5 this year.
All three boys were born at New Cross Hospital.
Emma added: “I had no idea about cuddle cots, so when we were asked if we’d like to, it was a relief.”
Dwayne added: “I remember feeling shocked that we could take him home.”
As he was younger, Terelle was told that Jaziah was sleeping and he took it literally, asking when he was going to wake up so he could play with a balloon and a toy car he had brought with him for his younger brother.
“It broke Terelle’s heart because all through the pregnancy he was asking when he’d be able to feed him and change him,” added Emma.
Straight away, the couple decided to donate a cuddle cot, and set up a GoFundMe page, which quickly reached its target of £1,700.
“You’re in such a state of shock and in a dark hole but you can spend a lot of time with your lost baby and having him in the cot somehow gives you some control and comfort until they’re laid to rest,” said Emma.
“There’s nothing like the comfort of your own home and he was able to be in his cot in his room.”
Kirsty Malcolm, specialist midwife for bereavement services at The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, which runs New Cross, said: “No one wants to be in the position that Emma and Dwayne were in, so what they have done is wonderful to allow this facility to be available to other families. We’d like to offer this to all families in this position.”
Emma added: “Anything I asked of Kirsty was no problem – she was amazing. I tell everyone that.”
The cuddle cot will be the fifth one on the willow suite at New Cross and there are others kept on neonatal and the swan suite.
Seeing the cuddle cot in hospital brought back some poignant memories for the couple.
Dwayne said he had to stop himself from breaking down while Emma was reminded of Jaziah looking at peace because he was going home.
But the arrival of Isaiah has given the family renewed hope and comfort.
“He’s our rainbow baby – the light at the end of the storm,” said Emma.
“When he was born he reminded us of Jaziah – it’s like he’s come back from heaven.”
The couple are indebted to the Lily Mae Foundation, which provides support to bereaved families.