West Midlands ambulance boss to take lessons from Ockenden maternity inquiry and Met Police probe
The chief executive of the West Midlands Ambulance Service says it is looking at lessons to take from national inquiries, including the Ockenden report into maternity services.

Professor Anthony Marsh said the Ockenden review into maternity care in Shropshire had set out a series of recommendations.
The Ockenden Inquiry into maternity care at Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHS Trust was released last year and found that hundreds of families were failed in its care.
Maternity expert Donna Ockenden led the inquiry and concluded that at least 201 babies and nine mothers could have been saved if they had received better care at the trust.
"We have embraced that report and the recommendation in the spirit in which they were published," Professor Marsh said.
"We are looking to apply those recommendations, to those that can be applied to the ambulance service."
Professor March said the service was already working with some of the families affected by the maternity scandal.
"We have had presentations from families to our board. We want to continue learning from the reports including investigations into maternity in other parts of the country.
"Similarly we are looking and learning from the report into the Metropolitan Police.
"We must ensure that we can safeguard our staff and our students and that we can protect our staff from patients.
"We must also ensure our staff are suitable and appropriate to go into patients' homes."