Express & Star

Inspirational disabled volunteer honoured after 22 years of helping Walsall patients

An inspirational disabled volunteer who has been helping those in need for over 20 years has been honoured with a Patient Champion Award.

Garry Perry Associate Director Patient Relations and Experience. Andy Brown Patient Champion and Disability Advocate. Andrew Rice Patient Experience Manage

Andy Brown, aged 59, is a familiar face around Manor Hospital for years but was shocked to be given a Patient Champion Award at this year's Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust volunteer event.

Andy was all the more surprised because he was unable to attend the event at Pelsall Community Centre due to health and mobility issues.

Formerly a nurse Andy was forced into early retirement due to a long-term neurological condition which affected his confidence, anxiety and mobility.

However, Volunteer Service Manager Doreen Russell asked Andy to be an advocate for patients across the NHS in Walsall.

He never looked back and now 22 years later the Trust wanted to recognise the positivity he has brought to the role as well as being involved in the MS Society.

He said: "This award is for all those people who cannot speak up for whatever reason, and just want to live from day to day often with debilitating illness, and the Covid Pandemic has made things really difficult for everyone, but especially for disabled people.

"We hear of the struggles of many people during this time, but disability really transcends everything, because at any moment, anyone can become 'disabled' through an accident or illness."

Andy also has campaigned for more disabled people to be involved in local and national politics.

He said: "Disabled people can make a difference to their communities, just because some of us have to use walking aids or a wheelchair, it is important we are given the opportunity if desired, to take part, no matter what small contribution we can make, in speaking about our health and social care needs, transport requirements, amongst other things.

"We still face a lot of barriers in everyday life, it is often society that is disabling us, by not providing suitable access to buildings, public transport can be a nightmare, and even simple things like uneven footpaths, cars parking inconsiderately by blocking foot crossings, or in designated disabled parking spaces, all this can be very challenging for the Disabled person."

Andy's friend and fellow volunteer Salmena Hasood-Khan is delighted the "man with a golden heart" has been officially recognised for helping so many people.

She said: "He was overwhelmed when told about the award but so many people will remember when he helped them when they were at a low point.

"He is an example to us all, he had to give up his job due to his health but then dedicated his time to helping others who are coming to terms with a new disability. He is a credit to Walsall."