First-time mother inspired to become midwife after her 'phenomenal’ experience
A first-time mother will study midwifery at Wolverhampton University after she was inspired by the care she received at New Cross Hospital.

Holly Revill, aged 25 from Cannock, gave birth to her daughter Nelly Wootton on February 24 last year and said her experience was ‘absolutely phenomenal’.
Holly, who was previously a neonatal nurse, said: “I chose New Cross to give birth at as my sister had her child there and said the care was brilliant and also I had heard lots of other lovely stories.

“My labour started at 10am and I gave birth at 10.34pm. There were two midwives in particular – Lisa Butler and April, who helped me during my long labour.
"I couldn’t thank them enough for what they did for me. They were the best advocates I could wish for, so calming, always reassuring me and giving me the confidence to believe in myself.
“Lisa allowed me to deliver my little girl myself by guiding her head out and talking me through the whole process – myself and my partner Jack had our own music playing in the background and it was more perfect than I could have ever imagined.

“I want to say a big thank you to April and Lisa; because of you both I am now returning to university in September to become a midwife.”
As Holly is already a trained nurse, she will be doing a two year course to train as a midwife.
“I was asking a lot of questions through the birth process. And the midwife said to me 'See you next year.' I said 'I won’t be having another baby that soon' and she replied 'No. as a midwife'. so she could see something in me.
"I am really looking forward to training and hopefully going back to work at New Cross Hospital.”
By Louise Cusine