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Engineer who was sent home with crushed hand gets apology from hospital trust

A hospital trust has apologised and reached a settlement with a former lift engineer who was sent home from hospital with antibiotics despite suffering life-changing injuries to his hand.

Jamie Keefe

Jamie Keefe, 28, suffered a crushing injury, puncture wounds and a deep cut to his right hand when it slipped into a machine at work.

He attended Heartlands Hospital where his wound was washed out and partially stitched up.

Mr Keefe, from Dudley, was then sent home with antibiotics and an appointment to attend the fracture clinic three days later.

Concerned by his care, Jamie called the 111 service for support and attended Queen Elizabeth Hospital where he was admitted after staff discovered that he had a significant patch of dead tissue across his hand.

He underwent surgery the following day and was put on antibiotics and later required a skin graft taken from his thigh, eventually being discharged on Christmas day in 2018.

Mr Keefe's hand was badly hurt

Despite the treatment and a number of therapy sessions, Jamie still only has around 10 to 20 per cent function in his right hand.

The trust admitted that it “failed to recognise the severity” of Jamie’s injury when he attended hospital.

It acknowledged that washing out and partially closing the wound should not have been performed and instead Jamie should have been admitted as an inpatient and received intravenous antibiotics and had any affected tissue removed.

The problems have forced Jamie to retrain as an electrical engineer due to his loss of hand function.

He said: "My hand was in a mess so I was extremely shocked when I was sent home from hospital with a follow up appointment.

"When I was at home my hand didn’t seem to be improving and was in a really bad way so I thought it was best to seek another opinion.

"I couldn’t believe it when I was told the true extent of my injuries and what needed to be done.

"It was difficult being in hospital in the lead up to Christmas.

"When everyone else was getting on with life and enjoying themselves I was worrying about my hand and the future.

“The hardest thing to try and accept is how life has changed, even simple things like trying to fasten a button on a shirt or a zip on a coat are really difficult.

“I know nothing can ever make up for what’s happened and the last few years but it’s reassuring that I can continue with my recovery.

"It means that I can try and look to the future rather than dwell on the past.

"It means that Christmas will be a lot better this year.

“However, by speaking out I just hope that others don’t have to go through what I have.”

Birmingham Hospital Trust has apologised and the case has been closed with an undisclosed settlement to fund the ongoing specialist rehabilitation and treatment he requires for his injuries.

A University Hospitals Birmingham spokesperson said: "The trust is sorry for not recognising the severity of Mr Keefe’s injury.

"We hope that this settlement will support further treatment and rehabilitation for Mr Keefe’s improved hand function."

Jamie's case was handled by medical negligence lawyers at Irwin Mitchell law firm.

Jennifer Shipley, the Irwin Mitchell lawyer who represented Jamie, said: "The last few years and trying to come to terms with how his injuries have impacted upon Jamie’s life have been incredibly difficult for him.

"He has vastly reduced function in his dominant right hand, meaning not only has he been forced to give up the job he loved but also struggles to carry out tasks most people take for granted.

"While nothing can make up for what he has been through we welcome the trust’s admission and apology, allowing Jamie to access the specialist support he requires.

"However, it’s also vital that lessons are learned to improve patient safety for others."

Jamie has recently bought his first house and is looking forward to moving on and trying to put what happened behind him now the case has concluded.

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