Express & Star

Taking steps to raise vital funds for seven-year-old Leon

A family has taken on a 100-mile running challenge in a bid to raise £1,000 to pay for a vital piece of equipment.

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Kasia, Leon, Aniela and Charlie Thompson

Seven-year-old Leon Thompson, from Codsall, has cerebral palsy and needs a new trike after outgrowing his previous one.

The youngster, who received treatment in 2018, has global development delay and sensory processing issues as well as being non-verbal.

His mother Kasia and father Charlie have taken on the running challenge over September and October – having raised more than £500 so far.

Kasia said: “Thanks to an amazing amount of fundraising for Leon, he was able to have SDR surgery at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.

"It went very well and Leon’s quality of life has improved so much that he amazes us with his progress every day.

Kasia, Leon, Charlie and Aniela Thompson

“The hard work continues and Leon has physio and speech therapy every week through his school and privately.

"Our goal for Leon has always been for him to gain a level of independence that will see him be able to do as much as he can on his own.

“This is a difficult ask of him as his cerebral palsy affects him so much but thanks to the money raised we can provide some assistance.”

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