Express & Star

Bloxwich salon turns pink to raise awareness of breast cancer

A salon in Bloxwich held a glamorous event to raise awareness of breast cancer and funds for charity.

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Co-owners of Hush Beauty, Aesthetics and Training Stephanie Allsopp and Helen Pugh

Co-owners of Hush Beauty, Aesthetics and Training, Stephanie Allsopp, 36, and Helen Pugh, 37, held the event following the experiences of Stephanie, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in January.

The diagnosis came as a shock to Stephanie, who was originally misdiagnosed in October 2019 after being told she was 'too young' to have breast cancer.

Following six months of chemotherapy, she underwent a mastectomy at the beginning of October.

Stephanie said: "My mindset has been on offering treatments at the salon for people with cancer.

"It really strips you of your identity, so I wanted to reach out to them to make them feel more like themselves.

"Then a friend of mine put me in touch with the charity, Terrible Titties & Other Bitties', who are based in Stafford and support people with cancer and their families.

"I really connected with Rachel from the charity and their ethos so we decided to do something to raise money for them, raise awareness of breast cancer, particularly as it's breast cancer awareness month."

The event was held at the salon and included a raffle, completed on social media which alone raised £200, bubbly and people dressed in pink and wearing their bras over the top of their clothes.

Stephanie added: "The day went really well, considering we were limited due to the restrictions in place.

"We also did a Facebook live so our clients who couldn't come along could watch from home.

"The advice I would give to anyone is to check yourself.

"There's a misconception that younger women can't get breast cancer but that is not the case.

"Be aware of your body and if there are any changes make sure to get them checked, and if you're not satisfied then go back."