Express & Star

Appeal to help fund new specialist bed and bring disabled teenager home

The family of a disabled teenager is appealing for help to fund a vital specialist bed after his broke, meaning he can't stay at home.

Jack More, aged 19, from Halesowen needs a replacement specialist bed

Jack Moore, aged 19 from Halesowen, was born with cerebral palsy, complex learning needs, dysphasia and epilepsy.

Paula, Jack's mother and primary carer, said: "He requires 24/7 care. He can't walk or talk or care for himself we have to do everything for him."

Jack has to have a specialised profile bed for his own safety. It is fitted with high, clear walls, padding and also can move up and down.

Jack's specialist bed has broken meaning he has had to move to a respite centre

As well as sleeping, the bed is also needed for Jack's daily care needs, including visits every other day from district nurses.

Last week , the bed broke and the electrical lift is stuck in the highest position meaning it can't be used, because of this Jack has had to be moved to respite care where he has a suitable bed for his needs.

Paula added: "The bed is vital, without it Jack has no where safe that he can sleep in the house.

"All of his appointments are having to be changed and he's missing out on some of his activities, it's not fair on anyone.

Jack requires 24/7 care

"Jack is really frustrated being in the respite centre, he doesn't want to be there, when he was brought home for the day his face lit up. We just want him home."

The bed that Jack needs costs more than £5,000, and his family is now asking for help to fund the replacement.

"It would be such a relief to have him home so that his treatment can continue and for him to be back here with his family again and continue to be his happy self," Paula said.

"He has to go into hospital on March 25, so we desperately need the new bed by then so that he can come home after his operation."

  • Anyone who would like to get in touch to help the family can email or call 01384 621216.