Express & Star

Husband's generous gesture means new kidney for Sandwell councillor

They say sharing is caring, and one Sandwell man has taken that to the next level by giving up his own kidney so his wife could have a transplant.

Kerrie and Brian Carmichael

Brian Carmichael, 51, took part in an exchange scheme that saw him donate his kidney to a member of public.

In return, his wife of 24 years, Kerrie, a councillor for Sandwell Council, received a kidney for a transplant operation.

Councillor Carmichael said: "For someone to do something so unselfish, it is an amazing gesture."

She has suffered with kidney disease for about 20 years and has received constant treatment.

Councillor Carmichael praised the care given by nurses and doctors at Russells Hall Hospital, Dudley, where she has received treatment for years, and at University Hospital Coventry, where the transplant took place.

Her transplant was delivered under the UK Living Kidney Sharing Scheme offered by the NHS.

Having a new kidney has changed Councillor Carmichael's life for the better.

"Unfortunately, my husband wasn't a match for me, so we went we went into a paired exchange programme," she said.

"Someone's partner gave me their kidney and my husband gave someone's partner a kidney."