Walk-in centre set to move to Sandwell Hospital
A walk-in centre is set to move to Sandwell Hospital next year in order to plug a gap in services caused by the closure of an NHS building.

Health bosses have been trying to find a solution to a problem caused by the enforced closure of the Parsonage Street walk-in centre in West Bromwich in March 2021 when the lease comes to an end.
Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) said there was no option to renew the lease but insisted the service would continue elsewhere due to the level of demand locally.
They have decided on moving the service, which will become an urgent treatment centre in the spring with increased hours as part of an NHS shake-up, to the nearby Sandwell Hospital site.
Officials believe this is the most practical option as the hospital is due to be downgraded to an urgent treatment centre in 2022 when the new Midland Metropolitan Hospital opens.
The CCG said "moving the service to this site from April 2021 will minimise future disruption for patients".
A consultation on the proposals will run until February 14 with people in the are being encouraged to share their views.
The CCG’s clinical lead for urgent care and local GP, Dr Sommiya Aslam said “Our patients have told us that continuing to walk-in to urgent care is really important to them, as is offering a choice of different urgent care services that can be accessed.
"I believe that our proposal delivers this and will also help us achieve our ambition to allow for future integration of services to improve patient experiences and outcomes as well as to ensure we comply with national requirements in terms of urgent treatment centres.
Lead commissioner for urgent care Debra Howls said “We want to change urgent care services so that everybody has access to the best clinical, evidence based, care at the point they need it.
"This listening exercise is the chance for patients, carers, and the wider public to share their views on our proposals for improving urgent care services in Sandwell and West Birmingham, and I urge people to get involved and let us know their thoughts.”
The consultation is available to view at sandwellwestbhamccg.nhs.uk