Health bosses encouraging women to give birth at Walsall maternity unit
More pregnant women are being encouraged to give birth at Walsall's maternity unit.
Health bosses are starting weekly tours this weekend and now accepting transfers for mothers-to-be who are booked in to give birth elsewhere.
The news comes after it was announced that the midwifery-led-unit on Charles Street will shortly be reopened, two years after births were suspended due to a staffing shortage which meant there were not enough midwives for both Walsall Manor Hospital and the MLU.
Midwives will now be available from 11am on Saturday and Sunday mornings to take expectant mothers around the hospital's maternity unit and show them the delivery rooms, facilities and birthing aids that can be used.
Maternity Inpatient Matron Carol Hollington said: “Our maternity services have received an improved CQC rating of “good” and we want pregnant women registered with all GP practices, regardless of address, to know that they are now able to choose to give birth at Walsall Manor Hospital.
“We are also now accepting transfer bookings for any pregnant women who wish to give birth at Walsall Manor Hospital who are currently booked elsewhere.
“We showed a few mums-to-be around the delivery suite when they visited our recent maternity showcase event and want to offer maternity unit tours on a weekly basis – we’ve chosen weekends as we know that women might be juggling work and childcare. We expect the tours to be popular so are asking women to bring just one person with them.”
Carol said that there are a number of birthing aids are available on the delivery suite including a birthing cube, birthing pool, Combi Trac system – a specialised pole with slings/support to enable women support in labour, birthing stools, beanbags and birthing balls.
A birthing pool is also available and a room has been set aside for women who require enhanced care in relation to their pregnancy and birth. There are also two emergency theatres providing emergency and planned caesarean sections with around-the-clock access.
If you want to book a tour contact the delivery suite on 01922 656246 or 01922 656283.