Runners raise £2k for Acorns
A housing company has raised thousands of pounds to help save Acorns Children’s Hospice from closure.

A group of 50 colleagues at whg have taken part in a 12-hour 'runathon' around Walsall Arboretum on Wednesday.
It began at 6am as the group took it in turns to run laps of the park, passing a knitted Acorns baton as they went, with the aim of 'keep Acorns running.'
The fundraisers have collected just under £2,000 so far, doubling their initial target of £1,000 - but they're now aiming to reach £2,500.
Organiser Gary Auburn, asset project manager at whg, said: “Acorns Children’s Hospice does a fantastic job and provides an essential lifeline for families during the most difficult times in the lives.
“The hospice was selected as whg’s chosen charity for this year, and we will be doing all we can to support the charity as it fights to stay open.”
Acorns Children's Hospice, which was facing closure, is now looking to raise £2 million to bridge the gap before new NHS funding will help keep their site in Walsall open.
Vicki Rowles, head of partnership fundraising at Acorns, said: “We are so grateful to the amazing staff at whg who have really got behind our appeal.
"Their ‘keep Acorns running’ fundraiser is a great example of their creativity and drive to help us succeed.
“whg’s generous support is hugely appreciated by everyone here at Acorns.
"Only with the help of the community and local businesses like whg can we keep providing our essential services for children and families across the Black Country and the West Midlands.”
People can donate to the cause by visiting