Walsall Manor Hospital aiming to be outstanding by 2022
Bosses at the trust which runs Walsall Manor Hospital say they hope to be rated outstanding by a Government watchdog by 2022.

Inspectors found that progress had been made since the last inspection but there were still some issues for the trust to address, particularly in surgery and critical care.
As a result, the trust is rated 'requires improvement' overall, the same as after an inspection in 2017.
But now the trust's chief executive Richard Beeken and director of nursing Karen Dunderdale have revealed their plans to be rated outstanding in three years.
Dr Dunderdale said: "We have an ambition to be outstanding by 2022.
"It's a bold statement and we are being ambitious.
"One of the key principles is using quality improvement methodology. We need to look at what we can do to improve if things aren't working.
"We were being scrutinised for our compliance and targets in special measures but now we're moving towards improvement rather than thinking about facts and figures."
In addition to its overall rating, the trust was rated 'requires improvement' for whether its services are safe, effective, responsive and well-led. It is rated 'outstanding' for being caring.