Express & Star

Care home plan for Stone withdrawn

Plans for a 64-bedroom care home have been scrapped over issues with a high pressure gas pipeline on the site.


An application for the two-storey home in Lichfield Road, Stone, has been withdrawn because of the high cost of diverting the gas pipeline.

The development was due to create 50 jobs on the site, which is currently used for agriculture.

But Joanne Sutcliffe, planning manager for LNT Construction, sent an email to Stafford Borough Council explaining they have "no option but to withdraw" the application.

She said: "It is with regret that we have no option but to withdraw the above application for the care home on Lichfield Road.

"Unfortunately the high pressure gas pipeline which crosses the site means it is not suitable for a care home development and the cost of diverting the pipeline would render the project unviable."

The application was for a two-storey care facility for older people, with associated access, parking and landscaping.

The plan said the site was chosen as there is an an undersupply of 110 care beds within a three mile radius.

A new access from Lichfield Road was proposed as part of the plan.

The plan said it would contribute to creating a "socially inclusive community".

It said: "The construction of a care home on this site will contribute to creating a socially inclusive community, whilst also providing significant numbers of jobs/employment.

"It is considered that the proposal would contribute to the built and natural environment in this location by providing a community building that makes best use of the site having regard for the principles of good urban design and amenity of neighbouring residents.

"The development would have a positive impact within the area by improving employment opportunities, both during construction and in the longer-term operation of the care home."