Russells Hall Hospital patient found dead at church
A hospital patient was found dead in a church graveyard after going missing from her ward, the Express & Star can reveal.

The patient was being treated at Russells Hall Hospital in Dudley when she walked out.
She was discovered dead at St Mark’s Church in Pensnett last Thursday.
The church is a three-minute walk from the hospital.
A spokesman for Dudley Group NHS, which runs the hospital, said: “We can confirm that a patient signed out of a ward at Russells Hall Hospital and did not return, which was not unusual for this patient.
“The patient had capacity and had the right to leave.
“We would like to offer our condolences to the family for their tragic loss.”
A spokesman for Black Country Coroner's Service said they had been made aware of the death.
An inquest will be opened after a post mortem.