Wolverhampton care home rated outstanding
A care home is celebrating after being told it is outstanding by the Care Quality Commission.

The health watchdog gave Croft Residential Home, in Finchfield, Wolverhampton, the maximum overall rating putting it in a small percentage of care homes in the UK to achieve this standard.
The report praised its caring staff for the good performance and out of five key areas the CQC reviewed, three out of five were rated outstanding, whilst the other two were rated good.
It was rated as outstanding for the service being caring, responsive, and well-led and rated good for it’s service being safe and effective.
READ the CQC report here
The unannounced inspection took place on April 19 and 20 and the report, which was issued on August 8, stated: "People and relatives spoke positively about the kind and caring nature of the staff team.
"People had developed strong affectionate relationships with staff who proactively promoted their dignity and independence."
The care home, which has 24 residents, is in a charming period property originally dating from the 1890s.
Parinder Saini, director of Croft Residential Home, said he was proud of the CQC’s findings.
He added: “Over the last three years we have developed an environment which encompasses the needs, security and welfare of our much loved residents for whom we are privileged to provide a home and care for.
“We are so proud that the industry regulator, Care Quality Commission, has recognised our efforts by awarding us with a rating of Outstanding.
“Moving forward we will build on this achievement by ensuring that we maintain our very high standards of care.”
Ms June Bridget West, manager, said: “We attribute our success to the dedication and commitment of all members of the hardworking team at The Croft Residential Home.
“Equally the experience and dedication of the management team has inspired all staff members to achieve a level of distinction which has been very well deserved.”