Wolverhampton care home comes out of special measures
A care home which was placed in special measures has turned its fortunes around after a new manager was brought in.

Bearnett House, in Stourbridge Road, Wolverhampton, was rated as ‘requiring improvement’ in its latest inspection by health watchdog, Care Quality Commission.
The unannounced inspection took place on May 31 when there were 17 people using the service, which is currently registered to accommodate up to 29 people at a time.
It had previously been rated as inadequate due to concerns over staffing levels.
READ the CQC report here
Nina Price, who has been a care manager at a number of sites for 20 years, took over after the previous report was issued towards the end of February.
In the five key areas the inspection reviewed only caring was rated as good, whilst improvement was required in regards to the care home being safe, effective, responsive and well-led, according to inspectors.
The report stated: “This inspection found that there was enough improvement to take the provider out of special measures.
“Staff understood safeguarding procedures and what to do if they were concerned about people training that helped them offer care and support to people.
‘People were happy with the staff and were treated in a kind and caring way.”
Ms Price said: “I’ve always been CQC registered and when I read the previous report I felt it was a case of poor communication – the level of care wasn’t the main issue.
“There’s been some tough times for the staff but they are good carers who have shown great resilience and can now see light at the end of the tunnel.”