Express & Star

Case against care centre closure to be heard

Residents who have compiled a 1,500 signature petition against the closure of Broadway North will be given a chance to argue their case to council bosses.


A total of 1,568 signed the petition, asking that plans for a health centre on the site of the former Jabez Cliff Factory on Lower Forster Street are scrapped and services are delivered at Broadway North.

At Monday's full council meeting, the people behind the petition will speak with bosses about why they believe the social care centre should stay amidst cuts across all services in the borough.

Walsall Council chiefs agreed to sell off the site, which is home to adult social care services, Dudley and Walsall Mental Health NHS Trust and Park Hall Community Association, at a cabinet meeting in April.

Paddock ward councillor Gurmeet Sohal, who handed the petition in to the council on behalf of residents, said: "We are calling on NHS England and Walsall Council to scrap plans for a Health Centre on the site of the former Jabez Cliff Factory.

"It is inaccessible via public transport, the traffic volumes and the one way system, being right on the ring road junction and next to a school will make accessing the site with a car impossible.

"It is situated a long way from the communities the Limes and Sycamore House Surgeries serve.

"We want the NHS and the council call to work with the GP practices, local residents and community groups to deliver a health centre at the Broadway North Centre.

"This is a site that is in the heart of our community has excellent transport links and parking.”

The petition has also been backed by councillor Rose Martin, who says that Broadway North is a 'very popular' site and that plans to build the health centre at the former Jabez Cliff site 'make no sense'.

She said: "I have been opposed to these plans since they were first announced, both the closure of Broadway North and the creation of a health centre at Jabez Cliff.

"Broadway North is a very popular site, which is accessible and has contributed to the area massively over the years.

"The Park Hill Community Association for example must have saved the NHS millions over the years by helping to prevent elderly people from becoming isolated and offering preventative help.

"For over 50 years this extremely popular well used community association which costs very little in comparison to other sites has delivered extremely popular courses and services attracting visitors from across Walsall.

"I intend to speak out against its closure on Monday."