Talks on takeaway ban near Sandwell schools
A consultation has been launched on plans which could limit the number of hot food takeaways near schools and colleges in Sandwell.

The proposals are part of a wider scheme looking at reducing the problems with obesity in the borough.
An exclusion zone could be brought in to restrict the opening of new takeaways near schools.
Other changes suggested in the Sandwell Council's Hot Food Takeaway (HFT) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) include a move to alter the percentage of A5 premises – such as fried chicken, fish and chip, kebab and pizza shops – within shopping areas.
It follows an increase in the overall number of takeaway premises in the borough. Council bosses will be seeking the views of people on its hot food takeaway planning policies.
Councillor Paul Moore, cabinet member with responsibility for planning, said: "This consultation is important because takeaway food is an important thing in many people's minds and in the local economy.
"So the council is anxious to consult with people who use the takeaways, run them or live near them.
"Most takeaways provide a good service to customers but sometimes they can cause problems in their local environment and the council is anxious to have a firm policy which can be respected by everyone involved."
However, Councillor Joanne Hadley, who represents the Great Bridge ward, said that she would rather see shops occupied than empty.
"It makes sense that shops are occupied as it then attracts more footfall to the high streets," she said. "These days we do not have as much passing trade as before so it is encouraging to see shops being used.
"But I understand that fast food takeaways may be a concern with the rise in obesity too."
The document has been amended in line with up-to-date local and national policies.
It also focuses an appropriate number of takeaway premises in town centres, a check on the amount situated together in a set area and measures to protect amenities of local residents including better disposal of waste and litter.
The consultation is running until March 11 in an extension to the original consultation which took place in November and December. The views of everyone who took part last year will still be taken in to consideration so there is no need for people to send in correspondence again unless they wish to make additional comments.
Views can be sent in via email to, online at, in person at the planning reception at Sandwell Council House in Freeth Street, Oldbury, or by post to strategic planning at Sandwell House.