Express & Star

Father has kidney removed following transplant from his 70-year-old mother

It was supposed to be the gift of life when Nathan Black's 70-year-old mother donated one of her kidneys.


But just two weeks before he was due to be given the all-clear, the 45-year-old found himself in hospital with complications.

The toxins in his body had begun to rise and not enough blood was going to his new kidney.

The father-of-three was forced to undergo three ultrasound scans, a biopsy, an MRI scan and an angiogram, which all confirmed his worst fear – the organ was being starved of blood and as a result was slowly dying.

After 10 days in Birmingham's QE Hospital, doctors made the decision to remove the kidney and on May 1 it was taken out.

Mr Black from Brownhills, is now back on dialysis three times a week, four hours a day, at Samuel Johnson Community Hospital in Lichfield.

He said: "My blood toxins had gone up to a count of 800 but the normal level is around 150-200.

"I had to have an angiogram where toxic dye is used and within 36 hours my kidney had no blood going to it, which along with the dye killed it off.

"I was admitted to the acute renal care unit and my surgeon said I looked awful, which was when I knew things were bad."

The hospital performs 600 transplant operations a year, 200 of which are kidney transplants. Only one in 20,000 patients across the country experience their kidney being killed off in this way.

"Unfortunately I was one of those statistics," said Mr Black. "It was a big shock and I was absolutely devastated, as was my mum.

"I was told to treat it as a bereavement because it has completely turned my life around again.

"I was two weeks away from being signed off from hospital and being free to go and enjoy myself."

"I put a brave face on in the hospital because I didn't want them to see my upset but when I came home I collapsed and broke down."

It was in 2005 that Mr Black's kidneys began to fail after he picked up a disease that went undiagnosed.

He received the transplant from his mother in February and has since been receiving counselling to help him come to terms with what has happened.

"I am back to a restricted diet and lifestyle but counselling has helped a lot and my family have been amazing," he said.

"My girlfriend and my friend are going to get themselves tested to see if they are suitable matches but I cannot have another transplant until August so that my body is ready for it."

Mr Black is back on the donor waiting register along with 6,000 other kidney patients.

He is now urging people to get themselves tested to see if they could be a potential match and wants to encourage more people to sign up to become a donor.

He added: "There are so many people waiting for all different kinds of transplants so I would encourage people to sign up to be a donor because the quality of life you can give someone is amazing."

Mrs Black of Tudor Road in Burntwood, said she would go through the procedure again if she could to help her son.

She added: "I am so upset for Nathan that this has happened and I would donate another kidney in a heartbeat if I could.

"I do not want it to put anyone off who might be thinking of donating. It's important to stress the kidney was not rejected, this was a technical failure.

"The transplant made such a fantastic difference to Nathan during the 10 weeks it was in place.

"I would urge others to put their name on the national register for organ donations because the difference a successful transplant makes is just wonderful to see and we are praying and hoping that a suitable match will be available for Nathan soon."