Stafford Hospital cyclist parents: We just want to know how our son died
The parents of a cyclist who died after a blunder by doctors at Stafford Hospital today said they hoped for an 'open and honest investigation' into their son's death, as they prepared for a second inquest.
John Moore Robinson, aged 20, died in April 2006 after medics failed to spot his ruptured spleen after a mountain bike accident on Cannock Chase.
He was sent home but bled to death less than 24 hours later.
His parents Frank and Janet Robinson were today attending a pre-inquest hearing and told of their hopes for a thorough inquiry.
Mr and Mrs Robinson have beeninvited along with representatives from Mid-Staffordshire NHS Founation Trust, University Hospitals Of Leicester NHS Trust and Staffordshire Police to attend this afternoon's pre-inquest hearing in Leicester.
John died in Leicester Royal Infirmary after calling 999 after he was injured.
The Staffordshire force is still investigating the death. In September the family learned they had won a six-year fight for a second inquest. The Robinsons, who live in Coalville, Leicestershire, hope now to get a date for the full inquest, which will also be held in?Leicester.
Mr Robinson, a 61-year-old milkman, said: "All we've ever asked for from day one is an honest and open investigation into how our son died." The High Court granted the Robinsons permission for a new coroner's inquiry after reviewing new evidence over the incident.
The narrative verdict returned at the first inquest, held in 2007, was quashed. John was treated by a junior doctor in his second year of training, the Francis Inquiry into appalling failures at Stafford Hospital heard.