Christmas all wrapped up at the Mander Centre
The festive season is here and the Mander Centre has everything you need to complete Christmas in style!

Shop hundreds of brands under one roof from unique independents such as MouseBench and their huge selection of horror and geek merchandise, Shop in the Square stocking over 20 creatives, makers and artist’s works to delicious retro sweets and candies at Sweet Memories and Wolverhampton Fair Traid Shop, stocking a wide range of fair-trade goods which mean a better deal for farmers, growers, and small-scale producers in developing countries.

Visit Frasers home to Sports Direct, Game, Belong, Evans Cycles and Flannels for all the top brands and great gift ideas, stop for a coffee at Costa and a lunch time stop off at Sassy for a warming baked potato!

With all your favourites under one roof, decorations are covered at Matalan, gifts, and treats at Wilko and B&M, festive wear at H&M and New Look, the Centre has it covered!
Shop extended hours across Wednesdays from the 14th December and arrive after 4pm to enjoy free parking. Shop on Sundays across December and bank holidays and parking is free all day!

Don’t forget a visit to Santa in his lovely Grotto from the 3rd -23rd December, this year he’s back in the HUB on the lower mall just by Bonmarche and he can’t wait to meet all the good boys and girls! There’s no need to book so just turn up on the day, you can take your own pictures or get the Elves to help. Tickets are £5 and you get a free gift too. Check when Santa is in at

Visit between the 18th-22nd December to try out the VR Sleigh experience outside Bodycare, donations being taken for Cancer Research UK. Help Santa on his epic journey across the skies!
This year our Christmas tree is a giving tree and we have teamed up with cash For Kids, Mission Christmas to help make sure every child gets a gift on Christmas day, you can drop a new, unwrapped gift into the tree base and/or donate at the PDQ point and help spread the magic of Christmas that little bit further this year!
For everything Festive and for further information visit