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Choose a school with 3 years of improved GCSE results!

Promoted by Dudley Academies Trust.

Last updated
Dudley Academies Trust

Choose a school with 3 years of improved GCSE results!

If you live in Dudley and you are choosing a secondary school for your child, you need to take a look at Dudley Academies Trust.

There are four secondary schools in Dudley that have all boosted their GCSE results for three years running or more.

If your children join Beacon Hill Academy, Pegasus Academy, St James Academy or The Link Academy in September 2022, they will be part of a transformation in local education that is making a huge difference to the prospects for local youngsters.

Dudley Academies Trust

The organisations behind this are Dudley Academies Trust – set up to provide a first-rate education for the young people of our region – and Dudley College of Technology – one of the most successful colleges of further education in the UK and rated as ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted.

The progress that learners make during their time at the Trust’s academies has improved year by year and there has been a large increase in the percentage of learners achieving Grade 5 in both English and Maths. There is every reason to believe that these advances will continue and that future years will see better and better results.

Dudley Academies Trust

How does the Trust ensure that its academies continually move forward? Each academy enjoys support from a central team of subject directors and subject coaches – experts in their subjects who work with our teachers and your children. The Trust provides help with recruiting exceptional teaching staff, the latest learning technologies, and a tried and tested model of how to ensure positive behaviour and motivate learners.

If you are dreaming big for your child, come to one of the academies’ Open Days.

Find out more by clicking here.

Dudley Academies Trust